Registration opens one day early and the period has also been extended 
We will open registrations Friday 31 May and close them on 11 June, extending the period by two days due to potential instability with My Study Activities.

If the system crashes, please be patient and try again later. We will restart My Study Activities if we encounter problems throughout the registration period.

Fortunately, it is NOT first come, first served. All seats will be allocated after the registration period ends.

Remember, you must register for all your study activities yourself.

If you are considering postponing a course, please find all the details here.
EP election debate at ITU tomorrow
Remember to join us for ITU's very own exclusive election debate tomorrow.

Together with Student Council, we have invited eight political candidates for the European Parlament to discuss Europe's digital future, moderated by tech journalist and ITU alumnus Therese Moreau.

The event will take place tomorrow, 28 May at 15.00-16.00 in Auditorium 0, and is open to everyone interested.

We hope you will join and help create a good atmosphere.

Learn more about the event (which will be in Danish) by clicking below.

ITU Student