The registration requirement will be discontinued
The registration period is approaching. This time with some new practices to be aware of. 

Early April it was decided to discontinue the registration requirement effective from 1 September 2024. This aligns naturally with the new practice that you register for all your study activities yourself.

For most of you it will not change your registrated courses, but for some it opens up for flexibility if needed. 

Please follow the link to read about what you need to be aware of if postponing courses.
PhD Defence by Rasmus Tyge Haarløv
PhD Student Rasmus Tyge Haarløv is defending his PhD thesis ”Making Sense of Air Pollution Modelling: Framed Uncertainties”.

When and where: 31 May, at 13:00 AUD 3.
PhD Defense by Mike Hyslop Graham
PhD Student Mike Hyslop Graham is defending his PhD thesis "Single-Player Games and the Self: (Game)Play and Transformations”.

When and where: 27 May, at 12:00 AUD 3.

MATLAB Campus-Wide License
ITU now offers a MATLAB Campus-Wide License granting access to all MATLAB and Simulink products for academic use. The license covers all students, faculty, staff, and researchers, on and off campus, on any device.

Visit your MATLAB portal to get started

You can also take advantage of free access to interactive, self-paced MATLAB & Simulink Online Courses covering topics including AI, Machine Learning & Deep Learning, Physical Modeling, Math & Optimization and Image & Signal Processing.

Find online courses here 
ITU to host political debate on Europe's digital future
We are happy to announce that ITU will be hosting a public debate in relation to the coming elections for the European Parlament - and you are invited!

The debate will focus on Europe's digital future, from AI to climate action and digital sovereignty.

Therese Moreau, tech journalist and ITU alumnus, will moderate the debate which will feature candidates from across the political spectrum.

The event (which will be in Danish) will take place on Tuesday 28 May from 15.00-16.00 in Auditorium 0.

Participation is free - and everyone is welcome, students and staff alike!

Seats are limited, so please arrive early to secure your spot.

Learn more about the event by clicking below.

ITU Student