ReadIT Student Newsletter

Learn efficient exam preparation and presentation techniques
Coach and study technique wizard Mads Lønnerup will visit ITU to share his greatest tips, tricks, and tools for how to present your knowledge at your upcoming exams. 

Mads will guide you through relevant exercises to help you plan and prepare efficiently for your exams.

Based on previous years, we know that this workshop will boost and energize your exam preparation. You will learn about presentation techniques and receive advice on how to best calm anxious nerves.

Bring your study group – and get inspired!
Writing a project next year? Need funding?
Each year, The Siemens Foundation provides financial aid to projects within the technical-scientific field, with a primary focus on electrotechnical disciplines.

This funding is intended for projects that require financial assistance for technical equipment, specially designed tools, and more.

For detailed information, please refer to the link provided for The Siemens Foundation below.

ITU must receive your application no later than 30 November in order to forward it to The Siemens Foundation.

Send it to

Applicants selected will receive a response in the beginning of the new year.
ExploreIT: Discover exchange opportunities
Are you eager to broaden your academic horizons and enhance your studies through an exchange experience?

Join our informative presentation, where you will learn about the exchange opportunities and the process.

The event will take place on Wednesday, 1 November, from 16:00 to 18:00 in Auditorium 2.

Read more about going on an exchange on ITU Student.
Call for ITU Election 2023
It is time for the annual election at ITU. Now is your chance to influence your university, your studies, and student life.

Your participation is important! To be able to vote and run for election, your name must be on the electoral rolls.  

Check which collegiate bodies have seats up for election and make sure that you are listed on the right electoral rolls.

If you would like to run, you must submit a candidate list by 15 November at noon. 

Find the electoral rolls and more information about how to run below.
Generative AI – where are we at ITU? 
During 2023, many students and teachers at ITU have been exploring Generative AI (GAI) applications to better understand the potential as well as pitfalls of this technology in an education context.

In Dean’s Digest, Dean of Education Pernille Rydén takes stock of the recent GAI activities at ITU and recommends students to consider aspects of independency, integrity, and compliance when using GAI.  

Find the latest version of Dean’s Digest by clicking below.
New parking licenses for 2024
From Wednesday, 1 November, 2023, it will be possible to exchange or receive a new parking license valid for 2024.

The parking licenses marked with 2023 will expire at the year-end, so remember to exchange your parking license before you go on Christmas vacation at the latest, but the sooner, the better!

As always, the parking license will be valid for both asphalt and gravel parking.

You are only permitted to have one parking license. If you have multiple cars, you can move your parking license between them.
Assistive technologies: Talk & workshop

​​​​​​​ETHOS Lab invites interested students, researchers and practitioners to take part in the second event in the series ‘Feminist Technoscience in Practice’ on Tuesday, 7 November, 15:30-17:30 in room 4A58. 

Our excellent guest speaker, Mai Hartmann, Digital Accessibility Expert, will give a talk on how assistive technologies mediate user experience and discuss potential pitfalls of empathy.

​​​​​​​Participation is free and open for anyone interested, but registration is required. 

Read more and sign up below.
Join seminar on  carbon's role in green capitalism
The Center for Climate IT is pleased to invite you to a seminar about carbon emissions and green capitalism.

The seminar will take place on 9 November in Auditorium 4 between 12:00 and 13:00 and is open to all.

The carbon held in forests has new economic value in market-based efforts to combat climate change, which, through the offset market, have created a 'green' form of capitalism.

Making forest carbon valuable entails not only standardizing work, but also place-specific relational work that keeps carbon in place in living forests.

Through the analysis of a government program in the Brazilian Amazon, Maron Greenleaf studies how carbon becomes a public resource in a nascent environmentally-premised welfare state
The changing nature of management and leadership in the AI-centric era
We are excited to invite you to the panel debate: 'The Changing Nature of Management and Leadership in the AI-centric Era.' This is your opportunity to delve into the realm of Artificial Intelligence and its profound impact on today's dynamic business landscape.

When and where: 2 November, 10:00 – 11:45 in Scrollbar. 

This event is mainly targeted all DIM students and 3rd year GBI students. However, any students interested in the management perspectives of AI are welcome to join. 

Do not miss this opportunity to gain insights from leading experts in the field, network with like-minded individuals, and engage in discussions that could shape your future career.

To secure your spot, simply register by clicking below.
Coffee talk with Cancan Wang
ITU Coffee Talks is excited to present Cancan Wang, Associate Professor at the Department of Business IT.

She will discuss how a community-driven approach that advocates for data pooling for the common good would challenge how we design and develop ESG reporting systems and govern ESG data in corporations.

The talk will take place on Wednesday, 1 November, 16:30 in Analog.
Werewolf Night
Keen on social deduction or just want to try it out?

Come join us on Tuesday, 31 October, 16:00 in room 2A52 for a night of Werewolf and free snacks!

Don't worry if you have never played Werewolf before. We will explain the rules at the event, and beginners are more than welcome :)


ITU Student