August news from CDW!
Newsletter from the Center for Digital Welfare - August 2023
Welcome to the August Newsletter...!
Summer holidays are upon us and so are a few new updates from the Center for Digital Welfare! We hope you are enjoying the summer, staying dry and faring well whereever you are. In this edition of the newsletter, you can read more about:
  • New updates from the Center for Digital Welfare
  • New grants, publications, press releases, past and upcoming events
  • Setting the agenda for digital welfare at Folkemødet 2023

We suggest you fetch a coffee/tea, lean back and enjoy the read!
Irina & Line

Short News
On June 1, we welcomed Line Johansen, subsitite project manager at CDW and maternity cover for Kitt the coming year. | On June 7, Sisse Finken gave a presentation on digital citizenship at Linnaeus University, Sweden for partners in the STEFORA research project, a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. | On June 13, Louise Harder Fischer set up a workshop at the Association for Information Systems' SIG CNoW 2023 conference. | Giacomo Poderi launched a call for papers for a special co-edited issue for Tecnoscienza Italian Journal of Science and Technology. | On June 13, Head of Center, Irina Papazu, along with researchers from Aalborg University, Aarhus University & University of Warwick, received a DKKR 6.1 million research grant for the project "Transnational Collaboration at the Digital Frontier: Knowledge travel across borders in public digitalization"| On June 15-17, the CDW participated at Folkemødet 2023, co-hosting a panel dialogue on digital exclusion/inclusion of young people as well as setting the agenda on digital welfare in several panels. Read all about that below! | On June 28, ITU announced a DKKR 5.7 million grant from the Velux Foundation to research digitalization of care practices in the research project “TRAnsformations in CarE (TRACE) – Investigating Emerging Human-Technology Interaction in Practices of Care”

Picture of Søren Skaarup, post.doc at ITU, talking in a microphone. Around him, young people are sitting at long tables listening.
Folkemødet 2023: Setting the agenda for digital welfare and beyond...
In this August newsletter, we will take a further deep-dive into CDW's activities and outcomes of our presence at this year's Folkemøde on Bornholm and how the center has been influencing and setting the agenda for digital welfare. 

On June 15, CDW co-hosted an interactive panel dialogue on digital in-/exclusion of youth titled "Digital Citizenship in the Shadow of the Digital Native" together with the Danish folk-highschool, Krogerup Højskole. The panel consisted of Louise Holck, Director at Danish Institute of Human Rights, Noah Sturis, IT-spokesperson for Alternativet, Tomas Vlk, leader of Kritik Digital at Krogerup Højskole, Oliver Anton Lunow, Project Manager at Ungdomsbureauet, and our very own Søren Skaarup, post.doc. at the IT University of Copenhagen. The event was facilitated by Clara Nepper Winther from Krogerup Højskole. The purpose of the event was to challenge and question the idea of young people as "digital natives" and ask what consequences public digitalization of the welfare sector has for young people as digital citizens. The panel dialogue between the panelists and the audience sparked a lot of interesting insights, from identifying problems and listening to lived experiences, to ideating ideas and visions for a future "youth friendly" digital welfare state and digitalization strategy. How do we engage and involve young people in public digitalization as a democratic proces, securing human rights for all? How do we prevent increasing inequality between those with digital skills and those without and challenge the idea of youth as "digital natives"? How do we deal with citizens' data as a currency in the welfare state? And how do we ignite the political debate on how and why we digitalize? These where just some of the questions we touched upon in the 1-hour discussion, where both young and old, end-users, system-representatives and developers alike participated with their perspectives. 

On June 16, Søren Skaarup, post.doc., and Irina Papazu, Head of Center, from CDW participated in panel debates on solutions to digital welfare and green transition within educational institutions, respectively. Here we again highlighted the increasing inequality that arises in delivering digital welfare services, how civil rights are being compromised in the pursuit of more efficient public administration procedures, and how this creates digital marginalisation of vulnerable people. Public digitalization strategies must understand the diversity of user-journeys and digital skills in order to secure civil rights for all in the deliverance of welfare services. Irina Papazu stressed the need for changing the universities' organizational culture, increasing interdisciplinarity and more collaboration between universities in order to realize the green transition in educational institutions. 

On behalf of CDW, we would like to thank all the organizers and participants from each event at Folkemødet 2023. We are extremely happy to ignite the debate of a more inclusive digitalization policy and co-create visions for better digital welfare together with relevant stakeholders and fellow digital citizens. If you find these perpectives interesting, or would like to co-create an event shining light on the importance of digital welfare, please reach out to us on 

Coming Up!
A new semester is approaching fast and so are the Fall activities of the center. On August 16-18, Gitte Bang Stald and Lisbeth Klastrup will be participating in the NordMedia conference in Bergen presenting their paper "The potentials and pitfalls of TikTok: Young Danes’ use of social media in the 2022 Danish general elections". In the Fall semester 2023, CDW will be launching a new learning event concept: Center for Digital Welfare Masterclass, where academics and practioners alike will be given the opportunity to collaborate on global issues within IT. The first masterclass will be launched on November 16, titled "Global Concept of IT Governance", facilitated by Ass. Prof. Cancan Wang. Participants will leave with a broad understanding of IT governance and concrete tools to be applied by public employees and researchers in order to understand daily IT operations and communicate and inform IT decisions. On September 19, we are very excited to welcome Rosie Collington, PhD, as our next distinguished speaker in our Distinguished Speakers Series. She will give a guest lecture on her newest book titled "The Big Con: How the Consulting Industry Weakens our Businesses, Infantilizes our Governments and Warps our Economies". 
As always, we will continue with our collaborative member activities in our respective working groups over the Fall semester, starting with a working group meeting on Representation, Design, Accessibility & User-journeys in the Digital Citizenship working group on August 31

These are just some of the activities you can expect from the center this coming semester. We can't wait to "lift the veil" for further workshops and events we have planned! 
If you are a member of the Center for Digital Welfare, you have already or will receive an invitation for these activities in your inbox shortly. If you would like to learn more about how to become a member, please find more information on our website or reach out to Strategic Project Manager, Line Johansen, at 

New Publications
Maguire, J. & Wintereik, B.R. (red.) (2023): Reclaiming Technology: A Poetic-scientific Vocabulary. CTRL+ALT+DELETE BOOKS. Link to publication here.

Rydén, P., Ringberg, T. & El Sawy, O. A. (2023): Flow with the Go: Real-time Continuous Improvisation in Digital Business Ecosystems, in: The Routledge Companion to Improvisation in Organizations, 1. edition. Ed. Miguel Pina e Cunha, Dusya Vera, António Cunha Meneses Abrantes, Anne Miner. London: Routledge, 2023. Chapter 22. Print. Link to publication here.

Rydén, P., Ringberg, T. & El Sawy, O. A. (2023): The Leader's Strategic Mindset: A key factor for AI Success. Management & Business Review, Vol. 3(1+2), 54-63. Link to publication here. 

New Press Releases!
Data-dreven offentlig forvaltning kræver store organisatoriske forandringer
Column in by Ass. Prof. Louise Harder Fischer & Head of Center Irina Papazu
Giv borgerne retten til at være analoge tilbage
Blog in by Head of Center Irina Papazu. 

Analoge ældre tvangsdigitaliseres
Article in Magasinet Pleje with Ass. Prof. Morten Hjelholt 

We are working on improving the accessibility of our newsletter. If you run into any issues while browsing the newsletter, or you have suggestions to make it more enjoyable, reach out to Line Johansen at

Irina Papazu | Line Nykjær Johansen


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